This piece of verbiage concerns a recent story on 60 Minutes, 27 June 1999, some Jews suing VW and other German companies for back pay during WWII.

No, I've never been a slave and I hope that I nor anyone else ever will be.

Slavery has been around for thousands of years.  The Israelites, before they were known as Jews, fought wars, won, and had slaves.  When they lost, they were slaves.

The Israelites/Jews were slaves in

The Greeks were slaves.  The Romans were slaves.  The conquered people were the slaves, the victors were the masters until a lost war changed the master/slave roles.

Why aren't the Jews suing the Egyptian, the Greeks and the Italians?
Why aren't the Greeks suing the Romans?
Why aren't the Romans suing the Greeks?

Could the answer be that the U.S. has too many lawyers and the idiots on the Supreme Court made the stupid decision that there is no such thing as a frivolous law suit and in Europe, that isn't the case?

When the victorious army conquered a country or empire, they would rape, plunder and pillage.  Since rape and plunder are outlawed, these law suites are the modern version of pillaging.

Lawyers don't believe in the justice system, only the legal system.  We, the majority, are shackled by the whims and desires of a few who were audacious and rich enough to have the laws changed in their favor.  Like a few examples?  How about

In the Beginning

No matter which theory of creation you like, we humans all come from one source.  The Bible tells us we all started from Adam & Eve.  Another source tells us a beached fish developed lungs and legs.  Another source tells us that an ape or a monkey was our beginning.

In other words, no matter which country you call home, you are related to everyone in the world.  If you hate Jews, you hate your own ancestors.  If you hate Blacks, you hate your own ancestors.  If you hate Germans, you hate your own ancestors.  If you hate....

Have you read Mein KampfI have.  For a couple of weeks back in `78, I was real bored and decided to see what the book, Hitler's bible, was all about.  There was a lot of ranting and raving and repetition.  Or, as the book is usually depicted, the ranting and raving of a maniac with which I can't disagree.

In Mein Kampf, there are some good theoretical ideas.  I repeat, ideas good in theory only!  Anyone with the IQ of an ameba would realize that the ideas were only possible on paper and would not be practical.

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