Racial Profiling

DWB - Driving While Black

DWM - Driving While Muslim

Ever since September 11, 2001, I have heard a lot about racial profiling.  The Muslims say they are being stopped and harassed because they are Muslims.  Is that True or False?  Racial profiling is necessary: True or False

Racial profiling sounds like one of those nice politically correct terms that has been dreamed up by politicians, lawyers, the ACLU and the malcontents. Racial profiling sounds like a method of describing someone.

A year or two ago, a teacher claimed an Hispanic male, about 20 years old, wearing a dark shirt and pants pointed and gun at her and shot her while she was in her classroom.  The Hispanics got all upset because they claimed the police were questioning only the Hispanics.  The Hispanics were being harassed.

Let's take a look at a few facts:

Population of Tucson approximate 1 million
Whites 40% 600,000
Hispanics 20% 400,000
Blacks 20% 200,000
Orientals 20% 200,000
male Hispanics 50% of 200,000 100,000
of the 100,000 male Hispanics, those that are between the ages of 15 and 25 20% 20,000
(Note: the above numbers in the table are only for illustration and are not meant to be accurate)
The above should be rather obvious.  The police only had to check out 20,000 people instead of 1,000,000 or 500,000 (50% males).  It should be a lot easier and quicker to check 20,000 people vs 1,000,000.  Would you not agree?

And then, about a month or two later, an elderly Hispanic man was missing.  I didn't hear a thing from the Hispanics about racial profiling then.  How come?  After all, the police are looking for an elderly Hispanic male!

As for the citizens of the US who are Muslims and their problem, would they rather have their city, their country terrorized because they don't believe in racial profiling?  Prior to 9/11, were they harassed as much as they are now?  I seriously doubt it!

As for the police and their harassment, I do believe it exists.  There are always one or two bad cops in every police force.  You will always find one or two people in every group who spoil it and give the group a bad name; only if you are ignorant enough not to be able to separate the good from the "the bad and the ugly".

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