
How do you like being a prisoner?  Quite nice, right?

Oh, you are not a prisoner?  Do you go to work five days a week?  Do you file your taxes every year and vote on most every election day?  Do you come and go pretty much according to your whim?

If you answered "yes" to the above questions, you may be wondering why I'm asking if you like being a prisoner, an inmate.

Well, I'm not talking about being housed at some state, county, federal or city jail or institution.  What I am taking about is being a prisoner of the bad guys, the crooks, the gangsters.  You don't think you are?

When was the last time you left your front door unlocked, at night?  Did you install security windows and doors?  Do you send checks in the mail?  Have you had your identity stolen?  Has someone used your credit card without your knowledge?  Are you unemployed now because of Enron/Arthur Anderson?  Do you like the extra security at the airport?  If you are between the ages of 18 and 30, do you like having your ID checked every time you want to purchase beer or cigarettes?  Do you like paying more taxes so law enforcement agencies can hire more personnel?

The bad guys have more "rights" than us good guys.

A recent example in Tucson was a man who sneaked into the girls dorm at the University of Arizona (U/A) and watched them while they took showers.  The U/A police caught the man.

Yes, the U/A has a monitor at the front desk.  Now the monitor is going to be required to thoroughly check student IDs.  What should have happened, in my opinion, is the guy should have been placed in a room with 10 girls.  Each girl would have a baseball bat.  The cops should have gone outside and told the girls, "We will be back in 15 minutes after you have had a chance to talk to this man".  The TV news cameras should be outside as the police bring this offender out and put him in the patrol car.  I think this method would be a lot more effective than our so called "justice system".

Every holiday, New Years Eve, 4th of July, Memorial Day, etc., we have the DUI Task Force out on the streets, looking for drunk drivers.  The task force consists of city, county and state cops.  The cops on this task force don't get to enjoy the holiday.  The cops who would normally be off, have to work overtime.  Overtime means more tax money being spent.  Money which could be spent on better things such as roads, schools, parks, etc.  This money is being spent on the task force because some people, the bad guys, are not responsible.

Because some people, the bad guys, like to steal cars, our insurance rates are increased.  We have to go without a car for a few days while we wait for the insurance company to verify that our claim is valid (all because some bad guys have filed false claims).

In order to free ourselves, not be prisoners of the bad guys, is to do what the people did on the flight that crashed into the ground in Pennsylvania on 9/11.  We need to start fighting back.  Let the bad guys know that we are tired of them keeping us prisoner.  We need to eliminate a bunch of stupid laws.  We need to get rid of a bunch of lawyers.  And we need to get lawyers on the Supreme Court who have some brains!

Are you tired of paying high grocery prices?  Who isn't?  One of the reasons for the high price of groceries is that we have to pay for the shopping carts and it would be difficult to shop and not to use a cart.  Then you have the fools who take the carts home and not bring them back.  We become their prisoner.

Have you ever thought about the speed limit signs, especially in a residential area.  When some fool exceeds the speed limit, the first thought is to install speed bumps.  Not only do they cost money, speed bumps punish the person who is trying to follow the speed limit and those going slower than the speed limit.  We become prisoners of speeders.

Have you had a virus on your computer?  If not, you are lucky, very lucky.  Why should those bad guys go unpunished?  I do realize that because of them, jobs are created.  There two companies that I know of that make money from viruses.

Do you have good thoughts about some bad guy spending your tax dollars for 40 years while s/he is in prison?  S/he receives free (usually air conditioned) room and board.  S/he can have a free education.  Some have become lawyers (oh, whoopee, another lawyer!).  S/he is allowed to watch free cable TV.  S/he receives free medical & dental.  A prison, in my opinion, is not a luxury hotel nor should it become one.  I think we need to reform our prison system and save taxpayer dollars.

The reform should start the day the sentence is handed down.

First, break each arm and leg into five or six pieces.
Second, send the prisoner to a Mexican jail.
Third, give the Mexican jailer $100.00 a month for the maintenance/upkeep of the prisoner.

I think it is time take off our shackles and put them on the bad guys.  If the bad guy knew he would be physically harmed (have the crap beat out of him/her) for his/her crime or if s/he knew that they would have to pay the fine or do the time or both, I think the bud guys might come around to my/our way of thinking and we could be free instead of catering to the bad guy.

As Robert Blake said on his TV show, Barretta, If you can't do the time, don't do the crime! (or words to that effect)

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